So as you guys may have deduced from my Cat First World Problems blog, I am having maintenance work done on my apartment building. It is kind of a drag. Looking back it has been going on for a while as it all started with the roofing project from last year. It isn't organized very well--ie you get a notice on your door saying that they are going to spray buildings with stain and to move your car as not to get overspray on it and then it never happens. When you call them to ask exactly when they plan to stain your building as it has been a week and frankly I'm worried about my car as it is in visitor parking way far away, "Oh that is for another building. We'll get to your building next week some time. We just wanted to keep you informed." Ya, that's really not helpful as frankly I parked in visitor parking near the building being sprayed as I thought it was my building that was being sprayed. /sigh
I was working from home when I heard someone outside squeal, then there was a lot of laughter and Lucy came barreling in the room eyes all wide and tail all puffy.
I went out on the patio too investigate and saw that there were people working on my patio. (surprise! I thought that they were done as the note on my door said work was completed on our building). I could see one guy on a ladder and a guy on the ground spotting him. The guy on the ground is still howling with laughter but the guy on the ladder does not look as amused.
As I'm on the patio and they can see me, I jokingly said, “What are y’all scaring my cat for?” as obviously they didn’t intend to scare her, she just isn’t used to seeing people face to face outside her 3rd floor patio. I figured it would be polite conversation and then I could go back inside.
And the guy on the floor almost pees his pants laughing again. The guy on the ladder looks at me all sheepishly and says, “Ma’am, I certainly did not scare your cat. It caught me off guard and I almost fell off the ladder it tried to attack me through the screen…(to the guy on the ground)SHUT UP!! Seriously, shut up man! You’d have been scared too. It was right in my face all teeth and claws!” Which of course makes the guy down at the bottom start howling again. I can hear him saying, “Scared of a little tiny cat? BAHAHAHAHA!”
Turns out that Lucy is not used to seeing people that are 3 stories tall and she didn’t take kindly to it. She must have been sunning herself out there when all of a sudden there was a person which just pissed her off I guess. The poor guy was climbing the ladder and his head was just about cat level when she charged him growling, snarling and hissing at him. The guy was worried that the screen wasn’t going to hold as they are working on my screen so he moved back and almost pulled the ladder off balance trying to move away from the hell cat.
Lucy is back on house arrest as I'd have felt terrible if the guy had fallen 3 stories and been maimed or killed because Lucy was protecting her turf.
And where was Dexter for all of this you ask? Under the bed hiding. LOL
About the picture. That is Lucy's usual look. In another past life she was a knife welding gansta who said, "I'll cut you" a lot. I have yet to take a picture of her where she doesn't look really pissed. If she didn't spend most of her time purring, I'd think that she hated us. (well she does still hate me and the makers of Fancy Feast right now. I don't even think that I was this cranky kicking nicotine)
This is so funny to me because your cats remind me of MY children! I don't know if it's because your cats are childlike, or my children are catlike, but either way, Skwarl is lucky she has the Ween, and you and I? We'll simply celebrate our commonality. :)
and you've gone and snuck in another blog while I wasn't looking... LOL The comment below is for the food blog...LOL...
LOL Musings.
The beauty of cats over children though is that they are scared to death of the vacuum cleaner. I'm going to guess that you can't end an argument in your household by pulling out the Dyson. :D Though I'm also guessing that your kids don't hork up hairballs next to your bed in the middle of the night to pay you back for vacuum torture. LOL
by the way...I nominated you for a little blog award:
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