Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update to my knitting queue blog.

My knitting queue might exceed my life expectancy

I probably should stop going to Ravelry and finding new and exciting things that I want to knit.

I currently have the yarn and need to make:

Revontuli-(almost thru chart 2)
Coronet cabled hat from Knitty
Cabled gloves (this are going to be torture-fingering wool and size 1 needles...I should have them finished by next year this time LOL) this yarn might be reappropriated to another project.
Calorimetry headband

So far, I have made:
Cabled scarf-decided not to do this right now--used the yarn to make a Boneyard Shawl
1 more mitten (1/2 way done the second one) done
Citron Shawl-done
Traveling Woman Shawl-done
Felted Slippers-done
Ruffled scarf
Fingerless gloves as seen on Doctor Who
Brambles beret I love this hat! I am SO going to make another soon. :)
Knitted dalek
2 felted bags which I use all the time.