I woke up to the pitter patter of work boots on my ceiling again today.
I have to re-classify Dexter as the brave cat, as he is currently sitting in the middle of the living room glaring at the ceiling. He came out and mewed at me to let me know he was not especially happy about it, but he has adapted to the thought that having 20 men stomping on the ceiling, yelling and running power tools is going to be a permanent thing. Lucy is not there yet. She's under the bed.
I have 1 hour before I have to log into the phones. Right now the noise isn't terrible. They are scraping the shingles off the front of the building. But after they get the old off then the hammering starts so I will have to play it by ear about what to do workwise.
But I am so proud of Dexter for being so brave.
Savannah was not quite as brave about the whole thing. To go potty, we had to go under a tarp and then walk over another tarp. She did okay going out as she had to go do her business but coming back in was a struggle, I caught her just before she'd managed to pull her head out of her collar and make a run for it. She's done that to me too many times in the past, so I was waiting for it and grabbed her collar to stop her from being Houdini. LOL As I'm in my PJs still, I wasn't up for a game of chase Savannah around the lake while people yell, "There is a leash law in Wake County. Leash your dog!"